Three weeks makes a habit(?) - well maybe not but 21 days, three weeks seems like something to celebrate. Three weeks of 20 minutes a day either weights or cardio or both. It feels good to be standing in this place.
“Habits are behaviors that our brain has learned to produce without thinking about it and making a resolution stick involves creating a new habit”
King (2020) said that time estimates are incorrect because there are so many variables affecting how something becomes a habit. Further, time estimates were described by King as “psychological placebos and can be motivating. If you go to the gym for 21 days in a row what do you think you will do on day 22? You’ll probably end up at that gym. It may still be a struggle to get there, but you’ll likely keep going out of routine if not out of habit. And eventually, maybe, it’ll be something you do automatically.” Okay - I’ll celebrate 21 days….and look forward to day 22.
King, B. (2020). How long does it take to form a new habit? Why Changing Our Behavior is so Difficult. Psychology Today, Retrieved from