Day 2 Activating Habits

Day 2 hitting the gym for a cardio workout. I awoke feeling tired, wasn’t motivated, started the rationalization process for just not going. “It’s Sunday” I said… Historically I haven’t worked out on Sunday which was reserved for church, lunch, and often a nap on the couch. Instead of succumbing to these thoughts, I thought of why I should go to the gym:

  1. I am a person who works out. Trying on the identity of being someone who works out is actually helpful in the way my brain was tricked into thinking - oh yea, a person who works out. This mental trickery got me to the truck long enough to drive to the gym.

  2. Creating space - going to a dedicated space where working out occurs is a practical way to trigger the actions of working out. When I walked into the gym I knew what to do.

  3. The Social - oh yes, after almost two years of no longer traveling for work, I need to be around people. Additionally - at the gym, I’m around people who are working out, enacting the behaviors I need to enact.

Could I have simply taken a walk? Sure. But I need to do those behaviors that will activate my memory and habits of being a person who works out. Day 2 - get it done!
