I come from a long line of laughers. We love stories, jokes, and seeing the funny thing within a situation. We can be snarky, bawdy, and completely inappropriate. We’ll be in the middle of a funeral and someone usually my brother Chuck will notice something awry and whisper it in my ear and I’ll almost pee my pants laughing - the whole pew will be rocking. Mom will look at us with that look that mom’s can use but not so seriously that we think we’re in trouble because we value humor.
I listen to many comedians on Netflix, so much so that during pandemic I had to remind myself that watching streaming video is not my job. I make time to expose myself to comedies and funny movies because the day seems better when I do so!
Part of my research this past year has been to consider what there is about humor and its importance to the soul. According to Peter Berger, a sociologist, humor is part of our everyday life and is a universal phenomenon.
“The experience of the comic is universal. While its expression differs greatly from one culture to another, there is no human culture without it.”
Mom used to say, “laughter is the best medicine.” I certainly feel better after listening to a comedian or hearing something funny. Well according to Mayo Clinic, laughter serves several beneficial functions including (a) stimulating organs by increasing our intake of oxygen and releasing endorphins, (b) activating and relieving stress, and (c) soothing tension.
So here I am today reminding myself to laugh often….and encouraging you to do likewise!
Quote source: Link to Amazon