Invariably, when Mom and I travel together one of us will see a beautiful field and ponder something like, I wonder how many shades of green there are. This and questions like it do not have definitive answers. The point isn’t to answer the question but instead to ponder vastness, to consider infiniteness and in so doing experience awe, mystery, and wonder. My love of color I got from my Mom - she loved color, patterns, textures, and how things worked (or not) together. Color surrounds us, we deliberately choose the colors we wear, and color influences.
“Color is fundamental to our experience of the world around us.”
When we contemplate color, we move beyond concreteness to consider transcendence, a space of the imagination filled with possibility. Color has the capacity to move us. Christopher Day talks about the way color is not surface phenomena but rather is about essence. Colors, according to Day, are highly personal, cutural and have universal effects. Contemplating colors is a spiritual practice.
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