I love our city! Tonight's First Friday Art Walk reminds me why this is so! First stop: Monorchid Gallery a wonderful display space located at 214 East Roosevelt, to visit exhibition aptly entitled: TEN: Modern Abstract.
“A departure from the realistic the artists focus on shape, form, color, and line creating compositions independent for traditional visual references. ”
My primary purpose was to check out the latest 3D sculptures by Kevin Caron but of course much more was to be seen. Kevin is a metal and 3D printed resin sculptor - I offer a photo of Arabesque, a metal sculpture of his, as a comparison to the 3D work he presented at Monorchid. He has a knack for capturing a beautiful line - there's a grace and flow in both the metal and 3D resin works that is elegant and graceful. Early on my impressions were that he was representing a post modern/industrial perspective...today I feel grace and peace - striking red and purple communicating strength and conviction. He's a leader in the conversation surrounding 3D printing as art.
Next, I met Dan Pederson, a Mesa, AZ, artist who's eclectic style captivated my attention - it reminds me of really cool public urban walls plastered with street art, graffiti, pasteups, stencils, and stickers! I love that feel!
Dan Pederson - Monorchid Gallery 11062015- photo with permission
As part of the Monorchid exhibit, there was in process body painting called Bare Landscapes featuring local artists creating abstracted versions of Arizona landscapes. No photos allowed but I will say - it was incredible to watch a human body being transformed through the use of paint. An artist that I particularly enjoyed watching was Brandon McGill.
From here I explored galleries along Roosevelt Row, people watched, and just hung out. Some street art I saw along the way:
I finished my time on Roosevelt Row visiting the container galleries - shipping containers converted into temporary gallery space. First there was the exhibit by Takashi Hara
Takashi Hara exhibit, Roosevelt Row, 2015
I finished with an exhibit entitled The Collapse featuring Jesse Armstrong, Jeff Reich, Patricia Sannit, Sheetal Shaw, and Jonah Amadeus Skurky-Thomas - ceramic artists engaging in themes of sustainability. Curator = Cory J. Rogers, in collaboration with the Phoenix Institute of Contemporary Art. Two favorites by Patricia Sannit and Jeff Reich.
My Friday night in Phoenix - love the arts and having such incredible access!
ArtLink (n.d.) First Friday Art Walk. Retrieved from http://artlinkphoenix.com/first-fridays/
Armstrong, Jesse website. Retrieved from http://soaportfolio.asu.edu/grad/JesseArmstrong
Caron, Kevin website. Retrieved from http://www.kevincaron.com Artist perspective on 3D printing: http://www.kevincaron.com/3dprint-why.html
Hara, Takashi website. Retrieved from http://www.takashihara.com
McGill, Brandon website. Retrieved from http://www.brandonmcgill.com
Pederson, Dan. https://www.facebook.com/dan.pederson.37?fref=ufi&pnref=story
Reich, Jeff website. Retrieved from http://www.indigostreetpottery.com/Site/Home.html
Sannit, Patricia website. Retrieved from http://www.patriciasannit.com/Patriciasannit/home.html
Shaw, Sheetal Website. Retrieved from http://www.studioboteh.com/